On the Calendar! SA Biblical Family Conference and Homeschooling Vision Conference 2025!

Howzit, friends from South Africa!

In partnership with Grace Books and a few other folks, Generations ministry is sponsoring a series of homeschooling and biblical family renewal conferences for March 1 – March 10, 2025.  My wife Brenda and I have homeschooled our five children (now 24-33 years of age).  I was also homeschooled back in the 1960s and 1970s. And, now, our children are setting out to disciple their own children for Jesus!

Secular education has taken God out of the schools. Education is broken.

Children raised in the church are walking away from the faith.

Family life and family relationships have broken down.

Without a vision the people perish, and without a vision the family perishes.

The Bible gives a clear vision for family, for raising children, for education, and for all of life! We say, “Let’s all go back to the Bible for the answers.” And Christian families are looking for God-centered, Biblically-based, Christian worldview oriented materials so they can raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Our mission is to encourage and equip families for healthy, God-honoring Family Life in a secular age where things are so broken down. Our Generations team has also developed a Biblically-based and God-focused homeschool curriculum in science, math, literature, history, economics, logic, and other subjects.

We welcome you to these meet-ups in March! Get some vision. Ask questions. Interact with likeminded families. And, equip yourself to the most important mission for your life — reaching your children with the Gospel, and disciple-ing them for Christ. 

Here is our schedule right now:

March 1, 2025 – Umhalanga, Kwazulu Natal – Grace Family Church uMhlanga Campus
March 7, 2025 – Potchefstroom, Heritage Baptist Church Homeschool Conference
March 8, 2025 – Potchefstroom, Heritage Baptist Church, Family Conference
March 9, 2025 – Gauteng, Benoni Bible Church Service and Seminar

For more info on these upcoming conferences, check out bcnza.co.za  or e-mail bcnzabible@gmail.com.

We are thrilled with what God has done for such a time as this, in raising up a burgeoning homeschooling movement, a spiritual renewing of the family, and turning the hearts of the fathers and mothers to the children, and children to the fathers and mothers in South Africa!  We can see this blessing spreading into all of Africa. 

Let’s connect in South Africa and talk about how to maximize homeschooling success, disciple-ing our children, family economy, family relationships, biblical worldview, and Bible-based curriculum for your children!

Generations has taken this message to Malawi, Uganda, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, England, Ukraine, Canada, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Mexico, Brazil, and the Bahamas. We sponsor a daily worldwide news update from a biblical perspective called “The World View,” and I’ve aired my Generations Radio program for twenty years here in the states at www.generations.org.  We also provide a full 12-year biblically-based curriculum made available to every nation around the world — also being translated into Portuguese, Afrikaans, and Spanish.

Attached, please find a flyer for the conferences which you may wish to share with your churches and homeschooling groups.

Of course, the enemy opposes what we do. But, we have a higher calling. Jesus gave us this mandate — disciple the nations, and that begins with our families (Eph. 6:4, Deut. 6:7, Proverbs)!  So, let’s connect and encourage one another to strong family relationships, and disciple-ing the next generation for Jesus, in early March, 2025!

For more info on these upcoming conferences, check out bcnza.co.za or e-mail bcnzabible@gmail.com. Also, you may contact Greg at 083 798 7360. 

God’s blessings be with each of you,
Kevin and Brenda Swanson

Grid Layout

North West

7 March 2025
Homeschooling Conference

8 March 2025
Family Conference


Kwa-Zulu Natal

1 March 2025
Homeschooling & Family Conference



March 9, 2025
Benoni Bible Church
Service and Seminar


Kevin Swanson South Africa 2024

For more future info, join the Biblical Christian Homeschooling WhatsApp Group.

You can order Generations Books by emailing gracebooks@protonmail.com

You can view books at za.generations.org 

“In partnership with Grace Books and a few other folks, Generations is sponsoring a series of homeschooling and biblical family renewal conferences for September 20 – September 30. My wife Brenda and I have homeschooled our five children (now 23-33 years of age).  

I was homeschooled back in the 1960s and 1970s. And, now, our children are setting out to disciple their own children for Jesus! 

We’re praying for generational faith vision for every Christian family around the world!”

Pretoria Conferences

Brakpan Presentations

Bloemfontein Presentations

Goerge Conferences

Cape Town Conferences

On the Calendar! South Africa Homeschooling Conferences and Family Renewal Conferences

Generations South Africa is Live! https://za.generations.org/

In partnership with Grace Books and a few other folks, Generations is sponsoring a series of homeschooling and biblical family renewal conferences for September 20 – September 30. My wife Brenda and I have homeschooled our five children (now 23-33 years of age).  I was homeschooled back in the 1960s and 1970s. And, now, our children are setting out to disciple their own children for Jesus! We’re praying for generational faith vision for every Christian family around the world!

Contact numbers (Tel or WhatsApp)
September 20 – Homeschooling Conference in Pretoria – Greg 083 7987360 / Francois 072 342 8528
September 21 (Morning) – Family Conference in Pretoria – (the same contact details as above)
September 21 (Afternoon/Evening) – Family Talks in Brakpan / Benoni – Dr Barend Hefer 0823423091 – Rocky pastor of Benoni Bible Church – 083 283 1188
September 22 (Afternoon/Evening) – Homeschooling / Family Talks in Bloemfontein – Greg 083 7987360
September 24-25 – Homeschooling and Family Conferences in George – Lenieze 082 416 8364 / Adèle 0615498311
September 27-28 – Homeschooling and Family Conference in Cape Town – Leandri 084 837 9533 / Wikus 082 507 3569
September 29 — Cedar College (KwaSizabantu Mission)

We are thrilled with what God has done for such a time as this, in raising up a burgeoning homeschooling movement, a spiritual renewing of the family, and turning the hearts of the fathers and mothers to the children, and children to the fathers and mothers in South Africa!  We can see this blessing spreading into all of Africa. 

Let’s connect in South Africa and talk about how to maximize homeschooling success, disciple-ing our children, family economy, family relationships, biblical worldview, and Bible-based curriculum for your children!

Generations has taken this message to Malawi, Uganda, New Zealand, Australia, Russia, England, Ukraine, Canada, the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Nepal, Mexico, Brazil, and the Bahamas. We sponsor a daily worldwide news update from a biblical perspective called “The World View,” and I’ve aired my Generations Radio program for twenty years here in the states.  We also provide a full12-year biblically-based curriculum made available to every nation around the world — also being translated into Portuguese, Afrikaans, and Spanish.

Attached, please find a flyer for the conferences which you may wish to share with your churches and homeschooling groups.

Of course, the enemy opposes what we do. But, we have a higher calling. Jesus gave us this mandate — disciple the nations, and that begins with our families (Eph. 6:4, Deut. 6:7, Proverbs)!  So, let’s connect and encourage one another to loving our families, and disciple-ing the next generation for Jesus in September!

God’s blessings,
Kevin and Brenda Swanson

Grid Layout


20 September 2024

21 September 2024 (Morning)
Family Day


Free State

22 September 2024
Homeschooling/Family Talks


Western Cape

24-25 September 2024
Day 1 Homeschooling Day 2 Family Day


21 September 2024 (Afternoon)
Family Day


27-28 September 2024
Day 1 Homeschooling Day 2 Family Day


21 September 2024
Family Day


Kevin Swanson

Good books about Worldview.

Grace Books

(10% discount on advertised prices until the end of August!)

(Prices in Rand are subject to the exchange rate at the time of purchase.)

Contact details:

Nadia Pereira 074 182 0571 gracebooks@protonmail.com

Books currently available:

God Made the World; Workbook $22.99 (±R423.02); Textbook $34.49 (±R634.62); Set $57.48 (±R1057.63)

God’s Big Story Level 3; Reading $40.24 (±R740.42); Workbook: $51.74 (±R952.02); Set: $91.98 (±R1692.43)

God’s Big Story Reading Level 2; Textbook: $40.24 (±R740.42); Workbook: $51.74 (±R952.02); Set: $91.98 (±R1692.43)

Taking the Middle East for Jesus History Level 2; Student Workbook $22.99 (±R423.02); Textbook $40.24 (±R740.42); Set $63.23 (±R1163.43)

Taking Asia for Jesus History Level 4; Student Textbook $40.24 (±R740.42); Workbook $22.99 (±R423.02); Set $ 63.23 (±R1163.43)

Kickstart; Training sessions DVDs; $110.00 (±R2024.00)

God Made Animals Science/Worldview Grade 5-7; Student Book $22.99 (±R423.02)

God Made Everything Science/Worldview Level 1; Activity Book $28.74 (±R528.82)

The Story of Jesus’ People History Level 1; Activity Book $22.99 (±R423.02)

Swiss Family Robinson $21,79 (±R400.94)

The Life of Henry Martyn $19.49 (±R358.62)

The Story of Jesus’ People History Level 1; Activity Book; $22.99 (±R423.02)

God’s Big Story Reading Level 3; Textbook: $40.24 (±R740.42)

Great Christian Adventures Literature Grade 7-8; Workbook $22.94 (±R422.10)

Great Christian Stories Literature Grade 7-9; Workbook $22.99 (±R423.02)

Kevin Swanson coming to South Africa! Including Schedule

Hello, my friends from South Africa! 

My wife and I are thrilled to come to South Africa for the first time to meet up with Christian families who are up against the same challenges we face here in the states. With the increasing pressures of secularism, the deleterious effects of bad worldviews on family and culture, and the intense pressures and wide availability of bad media via the internet, Christian families everywhere are signaling SOS! How are we going to raise Christian children in an increasingly, aggressively anti-Christian age? We don’t want our children to be fearful, escapist, or synthesized into the wrong culture — but rather, faithful, courageous, bold servants of Jesus Christ, equipped to disciple the nations, nurture Christian families, and serve Jesus in their generation. 

Homeschooling is literally exploding around the world!  In just the last few years, we have participated in homeschooling/family discipleship conferences in Russia, the Ukraine, Nepal, Uganda, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, South Korea, Japan, Malawi, and others.

My parents homeschooled six children on the mission field in Japan, and all six are serving God in various capacities around the world today.  We have homeschooled five children (22-32 years of age), and now our children are beginning the process with the third generation. Praise God for His mercy upon us, generation upon generation! 

For the last 25 years, I have worked as a director of Christian Home Educators of Colorado and Generations.org, a worldwide homeschooling ministry. I firmly believe that God has raised up family-based discipleship and homeschooling vision for such a time as this, and I want to share this with families in South Africa. 

Let’s talk about what the Bible says about the Christian family!  Let’s talk about homeschooling and family discipleship this June!  

We’re also planning to bring our Generations curriculum with us to the conferences. 

Here’s my schedule, as best as we have it right now:

16 June (Friday) – Family Conference – Pretoria 

Time: 08h00 – 16h00

Address: Brooklyn – Gemeente (Reformed Church) Brooklyn, 230 Duxbury Rd, Hillcrest, Pretoria, 0083

Contact Number: 083 798 7360 (Gregory Pereira)

Website: www.bcnza.co.za

Email: bcnzabible@gmail.com

Link to pamphlet for Pretoria Family Conference!

17 June (Saturday) – Homeschool Conference – Pretoria

Time: 08h00 – 16h00

Address: Brooklyn – Gemeente (Reformed Church) Brooklyn, 230 Duxbury Rd, Hillcrest, Pretoria, 0083

Contact Number: 083 798 7360 (Gregory Pereira)

Website: www.bcnza.co.za

Email: bcnzabible@gmail.com

Link to pamphlet for Pretoria Homeschool Conference!

18 June  (Sunday) – Family Conferences – Brakpan/Pretoria East

Sunday Morning: Wesleyan Church 

Time: 10h00 (Maybe second session in Afternoon)

Address: 1065 Zwane St, Tsakane, Brakpan, 1548

Contact Number: 068 733 6026 (Pastor Selby Kubayi)

Email: selby.kubayi@gmail.com

Link to pamphlet for Brakpan Family Conference!

Sunday Evening: EG Kerk Pretoria Oos (Evangelical reformed Church, Pretoria East)

Time: 18h00

Address: Atterbury Rd &, Ajax Ave, Olympus AH, Pretoria, 0042

Contact Number: Dr Andre Bester 081 446 6521 or alternatively 062 136 1794 

Email: bester41@gmail.com

Link to pamphlet for EG Kerk Family Conference!

21 June (Wednesday) – Homeschool Conference – Nelspruit

Shabbat Shalom

Time: 18h00

Address: Shabbat Shalom: The Resting Place, Nelspruit, 1200

Contact nr: 082 305 0054 (Annalisa Cloete)

Email: resting@shabbatshalom.co.za

Link to pamphlet for Nelspruit Homeschool Conference!

22 June – Reformation Society – Cape Town

Topic: A Legacy of Christian Liberties in the West…  and The Real and Present Threat to Freedoms in Our Day

Time: 19h00

Address: Livingstone Fellowship: 28 Park Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7700

Contact nr: 021 689 7478 (Nic)

Email: admin@christianlibertybooks.co.za

23-24 June – Family/Homeschool Conference – Cape Town

For more information, check out this website page: https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/event_details/127

Contact nr: 021 689 7478 (Nic)

Email: admin@christianlibertybooks.co.za

Homeschool and Family Conference with Kevin Swanson
Table View Baptist Church. 9 Duiker Crescent, Flamingo Vlei, Table View
Two Day Conference – 23 & 24 June – RSVP on 0812704118 or nickywesson@gmail.com
Attendees may bring lunches. There will be a tuckshop available for drinks and snacks, and tea and coffee will be available.

Link to pamphlet for Cape Town Family/Homeschool Conference!

For any other queries, please contact Gregory Pereira in Pretoria, at bcnzabible@gmail.com or WhatsApp 083 798 7360

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson has keynoted at conferences in 6 continents and over 40 states and provinces in a variety of venues on homeschooling, Christian Education, Family Discipleship, and the Christian worldview. From national leadership conferences to homeschool conventions, father-son retreats, consortiums, pastor’s conferences, church conferences, and other arenas, Kevin has been well received with a wide distribution of  audiences. If you have a specialty conference or event addressing a specific topic, please feel free to ask us about crafting a new talk to fit your needs.   

For further questions, or to book Kevin Swanson for your event, please reach out to Generations via mail@generations.org.  

Full Biography

Homeschooled himself in the 1960’s and 70’s, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, have homeschooled their five children since 1991.  Kevin has 52 years of experience in the homeschooling movement and serves as the Director of Generations – a ministry he founded to strengthen homeschool families worldwide. As a father who wants to leave a godly heritage for his own five children, Kevin’s passion is to strengthen and encourage the homeschooling movement all over the world, and to cast a vision for generational faith. For the last 19+ years Kevin has hosted a daily radio program – Generations Radio – the world’s largest homeschooling and Biblical worldview radio program that reaches families across the US and in over 100 countries. 

Kevin has served as an elder in his local church for 22 years, while authoring several popular books for homeschoolers, including Upgrade-10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child, Family Life, The Story of Freedom, Epoch: The Rise and Fall of the West,Worldview — What We Believe, and What They Believe and Why They are Wrong, As the creator and developer of the Generations’ Christian Discipleship Curriculum, Kevin has also authored dozens of textbooks covering 1st through 12th grade.  Serving as a passionate supporter of home education, he has been interviewed on hundreds of media outlets, including Dr. James’ Dobson’s Focus on the Family and the Fox News Network.

Short Bio – Kevin and Brenda Swanson

Kevin Swanson is a second-generation homeschooler, published author, radio personality, and director of Generationsa ministry dedicated to strengthening homeschool families across the country. Kevin and his wife, Brenda have homeschooled and graduated five children, and continue to run an active family economy out of the house. Kevin has authored over 30 books, including Upgrade-10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child, Family Life, The Story of Freedom, Epoch: The Rise and Fall of the West, and Worldview — What We Believe, What They Believe and Why They are Wrong. He is a nationally recognized speaker on home discipleship and education, and hosts the daily Generations Radio program heard by homeschool families around the world. As an experienced homeschooling mom (31 years in the trenches), and prayer partner, Brenda is available to pray with and speak with homeschooling moms one-on-one. Connect with Brenda at the conference.

Family & Homeschool Conference

Pretoria Conference 16 & 17 June 2023

in order to register for the conference please send an email to bcnzabible@gmail.com with the names, contact numbers of the people who would like to attend!

Alternatively send a WhatsApp to 083 798 7360

About Kevin Swanson

Kevin Swanson has keynoted at conferences in 6 continents and over 40 states and provinces in a variety of venues on homeschooling, Christian Education, Family Discipleship, and the Christian worldview. From national leadership conferences to homeschool conventions, father-son retreats, consortiums, pastor’s conferences, church conferences, and other arenas, Kevin has been well received with a wide distribution of  audiences. If you have a specialty conference or event addressing a specific topic, please feel free to ask us about crafting a new talk to fit your needs.   

For further questions, or to book Kevin Swanson for your event, please reach out to Generations via mail@generations.org.  

Full Biography

Homeschooled himself in the 1960’s and 70’s, Kevin Swanson and his wife, Brenda, have homeschooled their five children since 1991.  Kevin has 52 years of experience in the homeschooling movement and serves as the Director of Generations – a ministry he founded to strengthen homeschool families worldwide. As a father who wants to leave a godly heritage for his own five children, Kevin’s passion is to strengthen and encourage the homeschooling movement all over the world, and to cast a vision for generational faith. For the last 19+ years Kevin has hosted a daily radio program – Generations Radio – the world’s largest homeschooling and Biblical worldview radio program that reaches families across the US and in over 100 countries. 

Kevin has served as an elder in his local church for 22 years, while authoring several popular books for homeschoolers, including Upgrade-10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child, Family Life, The Story of Freedom, Epoch: The Rise and Fall of the West,Worldview — What We Believe, and What They Believe and Why They are Wrong, As the creator and developer of the Generations’ Christian Discipleship Curriculum, Kevin has also authored dozens of textbooks covering 1st through 12th grade.  Serving as a passionate supporter of home education, he has been interviewed on hundreds of media outlets, including Dr. James’ Dobson’s Focus on the Family and the Fox News Network.

Short Bio – Kevin and Brenda Swanson

Kevin Swanson is a second-generation homeschooler, published author, radio personality, and director of Generationsa ministry dedicated to strengthening homeschool families across the country. Kevin and his wife, Brenda have homeschooled and graduated five children, and continue to run an active family economy out of the house. Kevin has authored over 30 books, including Upgrade-10 Secrets to the Best Education for Your Child, Family Life, The Story of Freedom, Epoch: The Rise and Fall of the West, and Worldview — What We Believe, What They Believe and Why They are Wrong. He is a nationally recognized speaker on home discipleship and education, and hosts the daily Generations Radio program heard by homeschool families around the world. As an experienced homeschooling mom (31 years in the trenches), and prayer partner, Brenda is available to pray with and speak with homeschooling moms one-on-one. Connect with Brenda at the conference.