“Only 1% of American millennials under 30 years of age have a biblical worldview (down from 2% in 2019, and down from 12% in 1995).” Source: Arizona Christian University and Barna Research Group
1. Know the Essentials of a Christian Worldview 2. Know the Rudiments of Competing Worldviews 3. Know How to Give an Answer for the Hope in You
Every Christian student should understand the writings that formed the modern world and undermined the Christian foundations in the West. The Christian student should be well equipped to engage the battle of the worldviews before he or she enters adulthood.
Epoch carefully chronicles the phenomenal impact of Jesus Christ and His people upon the culture, economy, religious character, charitable institutions, educational systems, science and technology, and worldview of the Western world—and the West’s subsequent impact upon the whole earth. The rise of the Christian West was spectacular. The fall of the West was similarly spectacular. What conclusions should Christians draw from this cataclysmic event? We are living in a moment when we must understand the times in order to know what to do, and how to respond.
The Christian West provided a legacy of liberty for over 800 years, and it is a heritage that is quickly disappearing and soon to be forgotten. Many have enjoyed the blessing of liberty over the centuries. Hundreds of millions of people have fled tyranny for safe haven in Christian countries. If the Son will set you free, you will be free indeed. Freedom is quickly disappearing in the Western world. Big government tyranny is on the rise just about everywhere. Liberty is hardly a value anymore in the minds of the masses. The question facing this generation is real and concerning: ‘Will we leave our children and grandchildren in prison camps and gulags?’
Whatever happened to Western civilization? Christians have lost ground in every cultural area of leadership and influence in Europe and America since 1700. Apostate is a story of the decline and fall of Western civilization as experienced through the lives and ideas of the great philosophers, writers, and cultural leaders most responsible for its demise. Apostate is the story of apostasy on a massive scale, but it is also a story of hope and victory for the last men standing in the ashes of Western civilization.
This volume contains quotations from Clement, Polycarp, Ignatius, Barnabas, The Didache, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Eusebius, Jerome, Augustine, Bede, Peter Damian, John Chrysostom, Martin Luther, William Tyndale, John Calvin, John Knox, Richard Baxter, William Gouge, John Wesley, and others.Contemporary Christian music stars are endorsing homosexual marriage. Presbyterians, Anglicans, Lutherans, and Mennonites are ordaining homosexual clergy. At least one third of the world’s population has been aborted since 1960, largely due to the feminist movement of the last century. Millions of young women from Christian homes are trained in feminism by universities across the country. After the damage has been done by the false worldviews of humanism, existentialism, feminism, and sexual and gender autonomy, will there be any Christian churches and Christian families still standing? May God use this little book to solidify the faith of many over the next century.
Now more than ever, we need to examine the wisdom of previous generations, particularly the teaching of those genuine Christian pastors and leaders who lived before the demise of the Christian West. If we would keep the faith for future generations, it would be prudent to root ourselves more solidly in the godly wisdom of previous centuries. Featuring original source quotations from church fathers such as Clement, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Ignatius, Barnabas, Lanctantius, Didache, Eusebius, Jerome, Chrysostom, Augustine, Bede, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Richard Baxter, Increase Mather, John Wesley, A.A. Hodge, Charles Hodge, J. Gresham Machen, and others. We ought to re-examine education in light of the decline of the Christian faith and the ongoing generational apostasy.
The Christian West provided a legacy of liberty for over 800 years, and it is a heritage that is quickly disappearing and soon to be forgotten. Many have enjoyed the blessing of liberty over the centuries. Hundreds of millions of people have fled tyranny for safe haven in Christian countries. If the Son will set you free, you will be free indeed. Freedom is quickly disappearing in the Western world. Big government tyranny is on the rise just about everywhere. Liberty is hardly a value anymore in the minds of the masses. The question facing this generation is real and concerning: ‘Will we leave our children and grandchildren in prison camps and gulags?’
In this exciting new worldview curriculum for children, Kevin Swanson presents the very basics of a Biblical worldview for children. his introduction to a biblical worldview will help kids make sense of the world around them, and it shows them the big picture of God’s truth in the Bible. Presented in a simple, engaging way, this study guide provides a basic introduction to truth, ethics, origins, causality, anthropology, sociology, family, church, civil government, education, economics, defense, crime, and charity.